==== HTTP Rest Action Handler ==== The Rest Actionhandler enables the user to send requests to a server and save the returned answer in a process-variable. ------ ==== Action Class ==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.HttpRestHandler \\ ---- ==== Event Type ==== any ==== Action Name ==== any ==== Mandatory Fields ==== any ---- ==== Parameter ==== == hostName== This parameter contains the URl of the requested server. (also see [[#Example]]) \\ == method == This parameter determines which method will be remotly invoked. "Post" means that the server excpects an input in XML-Format which he will process and return. \\ "Get" on the other hand means that the Server will send data without requiring an input. (see also [[#Example]]) Other possibilities are "delete", "get", "head", "options", "patch", "post", "put". \\ == postParameter == This parameter contains the input for the server in JSON-Format. (also see [[#Example]]) \\ == responseVariable == This parameter contains the process variable into which the server response should be saved. (also see [[#Example]]) \\ == user == Dieser Parameter wird nur benötigt, falls der Server eine Identifikation benötigt und enthält den Benuntzernamen des Users. \\ == pass == This parameter is only needed if the server requires an identification and contains the user's password. (also see [[#Example]]) \\ == authMethod == This parameter is only needed if the server requires an identification and contains the encription which should be applied. One possible encription is base64, which will be applied bei setting this parameter to "basic". ---- ==== Example ==== {{ :software:tim:actionhandler:rest_handler_param.png?900 |}} ---- ==== Abhängigkeiten ==== \\ __Timer__: [[software:tim:timer:|ERSETZMICH]]