==== setProcessVariableAndSignalProcessInstanceByTransitionName ==== This timer writes a process variable and forwards an instance based on the activity name and transition name. >> **IMPORTANT!** This mostly used in combination with the [[en:software:tim:bausteine:email_link_and_manual_decision|decision by e-mail]].In this case, the Webservice to be executed as SOAP-call. Using this as a completely configured timer in the admin client makes little sense. ==== Webservice Name ==== ProcessInstanceManager ==== Webservice Method ==== setProcessVariableAndSignalProcessInstanceByTransitionName ==== Parameter ==== == Parameter1 == ProcessInstanceId \\ Link call up: args[0](see [[#Example]]) \\ == Parameter 2 == Variables name \\ Link call up: args[1] (see [[#Example]]) \\ == Parameter 3 == Variables value \\ Link call up: args[2] (see [[#Example]]) \\ == Parameter 4 == Activity name \\ Link call up: args[3] (see [[#Example]) \\ == Parameter 5 == Transition name \\ Link call up: args[4] (see [[#Example]) \\ == Only for link call up == uid: Encoding login data for TIM Base64 (client/user:password) ---- ==== Example ==== http://URL of the Server/loom-portal/ProcessInstanceManager/setProcessVariableAndSignalProcessInstanceByTransitionName.soap?args[0]=${processInstanceId}&args[1]=VARIABLESNAME&args[2]=VARIABLESVALUE&args[3]=ACTIVITYNAME&args[4]=TRANSITIONNAME&i=1&uid=LOGINDATA