FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// =======AssignTasksByVariableHandler======== ==== Description ==== This uses a process variable, which contains an expression (i.e. user(max.mustermann), group(Sales)), to assign all of the tasks from a given node to a user or group. This is set on Node-Enter. If the process variable does not contain a valid expression, a default assignment may be configured. ------ ==== Action Class ==== com.dooris.bpm.assign.AssignTasksByVariableHandler \\ ---- ==== Event Type ==== Node-Enter ==== Action Name ==== any ==== Mandatory Fields ==== - ---- ==== Parameter ==== == processVariable == Here, a process variable (${processvariable}) or a direct user/group can be given, i.e.: user(max.mustermann) / group(Sales) \\ == defaultAssigne == Here, a default process variable (${processvariable}) or a direct user/group can be given, which is used in case the "processvariable" is zero. i.e.: user(max.mustermann) / group(Sales) ---- ==== Example ==== {{ :software:tim:actionhandler:assigntasksbyvariablehandler.png |}} ----