FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// ===== CallAnafeeWebServiceHandler ===== ==== Description ==== Handler to call the ANAFEE Web service. The results of the sync are written to the variable "ANAFEE4 Synch_result" (from Version 3.5.1 on) ------ ==== Action Class ==== com.dooris.bpm.actionhandler.CallAnafeeWebServiceHandler \\ ---- ==== Event Type ==== any ==== Action Name ==== any ==== Mandatory Fields ==== none ---- ==== Parameter ==== Here, there are multiple parameters containing the names of the variable containing the values for Anafee. >> **Attention!** Starting with inventoryNumber, the variable names will be searched for variables ending with the form [number]. The search will continue for higher inventory[5] variables until a prodDesc[5] is no longer present. For costCenterOrPsp, a search for a variable with [serial number] on the end will be executed. If this is not found, the variable will be used without it. Examples: lastName=surname; \\ firstName=firstname; \\ profitCenterId=profitcenterId; \\ profitCenterDescription=profitcenterText; \\ costCenterOrPsp=costcenter; \\ persId=personalnumber; \\ inventoryNumber=inventory_id; \\ chargeGit=charge_git_material_git; \\ beginningOfTerm=runtimebegin; \\ endOfTerm=runtimeend; \\ runtime=runtime; \\ additionalDescription1=; \\ additionalDescription2=; \\ serialId=serial_id; \\ price=price; \\ unit=; \\ invoiceDate=invoicedate; \\ chargingType=; \\ deviceState=articleStatus; \\ anaId=; \\ prodId=articleId; \\ prodDesc=articleName; \\ ** ANAFEE4 Sync_result ** If the files for Anafee are incomplete or incorrect (for example, if the date invalid or ANAID no number or Anafee not ok is reported), **false** will be written in the "ANAFEE4 Synch_result". Otherwise, it will be **true**. ** CallAnafeeErrorMessage ** \\ Additionally, the parameter errorMessageVariabelName exists. The standard value is CallAnafeeErrorMessage. In case of an error, a variable with an error message and the name from this variable is generated. ---- ==== Example ==== {{ :software:tim:actionhandler:callanafeewebservicehandler.png }} ----