==== New Features ==== \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3472] - **Main and Subprocesses are not synchronized on publishing** \\ If a main process is published, the latest published subprocess will be linked. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-1737] - **Report popup should not be shown after archiving** \\ If an instance is archived, no popup will be shown anymore. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-2809] - **ToDo client - finished tasks: Column process cannot be viewed** \\ The column "Process" is now available in the tab "My finished tasks". \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3187] - **Make archived Instances active again** \\ Archived instances can be activated again. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3188] - **Actionhandler for Excel to CSV Parsing** \\ The new [[en:software:tim:actionhandler:excel2csvhandler|Excel2CSVHandler]] is able to convert Excel files to CSV. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3194] - **Prohibit upload and deletion of documents for specific tasks [SSCTMT-182-186], [GS-1001]** \\ tim.properties can restrict uploading and deleting documents for specific tasks. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3439] - **general flag to disable swimlane assignment of actors after task completion** \\ This flag defines if a user is assigned automatically to a swimlane after finishing a task. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3443] - **show documents and blogarticle count in subprocesses from mainprocess** \\ The main process' number of documents and notes is also shown in its subprocesses. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3444] - **flag to show only main processes in myStartedInstances** \\ Through this flag only main processes are shown in "My instances". \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3451] - **option to filter searchresults by current user groups** \\ This option defines which instances will be found by the search-function regarding the group memberships of the user. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3457] - **Allow multiple ATTACH commands in mails** \\ Multiple ATTACH commands can be used in mail nodes. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3463] - **show all timer columns in admin client** \\ Tab "Scheduled jobs" will now display all columns. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3563] - **signal waitstate method for processmanagers** \\ Wait states can be signalled in the Process Manager Clients. \\ \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3586] - **Variableshelper can now resolve variables in variables** \\ Variables can be used within variables and will be resolved accordingly. \\ ==== Improvements/Bugfixes ==== \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-332] - **Processes can be deployed without owner/starter** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-507] - **Taskmail is sent even if user is absent** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-1348] - **Hauptprozess ist im Deadlock wenn Subprozess archiviert wird** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-2647] - **HTML Smartform is not editable with TSS enabled** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3026] - **MergePDFHandler cannot merge documents with special chars in filename** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3259] - **When a translation exists, a process can't be used as a softlink anymore** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3461] - **Process with too many XORs can't be deployed with CPM activated** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3464] - **loading tasks or instances via generic entity manager leads to write DB access** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3484] - **MailNode mails after BoundaryEscalation do net get "variable-replaced" if process has translations** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3523] - **overWriteExisting does not overwrite PDF in mergePDFDocumentsHandler if Variable is used in mergeName** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3562] - **Columns cannot be changed anymore [GS-1023]** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3565] - **Absence can create infinite loop of assignment** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3583] - **When a process has been started by CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXML the FileArchivationHandler doesn't read out the process variables in the first script node** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3594] - **Open tasks get forwarded to substitute, also when "Hand over existing tasks?" is set to NO [TMT-317]** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3633] - **Repository does not show loading process** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3646] - **getTasksOfMyGroups does not use TranslationManager** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3660] - **Umlaute are destroyed after uploading via Resrouces tab** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3666] - **performpastreminders sends reminder mails also for tasks, where the process has been archived already** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3668] - **Non terminating end deactivates token signalling** \\ i_yes_icon [TNR-3707] - **signalByMailReply does not search in currentClient**