==== Improvements ==== *[TNR-3746] - If enable-time-interceptor is disabled, a Nullpointer is thrown on getDueDate *[TNR-3671] - all specialchars can be used as pass except | *[TNR-4074] - Datepicker subtracts 1h if selected date is in standard time (Winterzeit) *[TNR-4066] - ArchivationHandler does not work, if there are more than 1000 Nodeinstance [from revision 13646] *[TNR-3833] - getMyOpenTaskInstances contains syntax error for MSSQL *[TNR-3823] - If user is no owner of PD he cannot assign other user of same group to any task *[TNR-3698] - List of process definitions for smartform-search shows UNPUBLISHED processes and translation is missing *[TNR-3763] - GenericEntityManager does not work for document Comments on Oracle *[TNR-3733] - Upload via Webform throws Exception on findingMainProcess *[TNR-3899] - Efforts Throw Nullpointer if Task has no AssignmentGroup *[TNR-3838] - Tabs (Links + Efforts) in ToDo Client do not work - No Task selected *[TNR-3848] - Taskdescription and taskname is in hungarian displayed *[TNR-3498] - AdvancedWordTemplateHandler does not have same behavior as WordTemplateHandler