Decision making via e-mail

The decision, which path the process should take at a fork in the road, can be made via e-mail. For this, the decision-making employee recieves an e-mail with links, with which the path of the process can be decided.

http://URL of the server/loom-portal/ProcessInstanceManager/setProcessVariableAndSignalProcessInstanceByTransitionName.soap?args[0]=${processInstanceId}&args[1]=variable&args[2]=Ja&args[3]=Entscheidung&args[4]=entscheidung&i=1&uid=eWl0L3BtOnRhc2shbm1vdGlvbg

Parameters of the link:

The link ensures that the task will be completed and the process can continue. In addition, the variable being considered by the VariableDecisionHandler is set so the that correct branch can be followed. VariableDecisionHandler in return sends the decision in the right direction.

