Table of Contents

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TIM Smartform Suite - DRAFT

1. Introduction and differentiation of the TIM Smartform Suite from HTML smartforms

2. Access to the Tim smartform suite

2.1 Systemroles required to access the TSS

A user has to have the following roles roles to use the corresponding version of the TIM smartform suite:

2.2 Access via repository

The access to the configurator of the TSS happens via TIM Repository. In the Tab “Smartform” you can find an “EDIT”-Button. The configurator will be opened in a seperate tab upon clicking it.

2.3 Systemroles for the maintenance of TSS resources

Every data-artifact wich is used for the creation of a smartform is saved in a central database. An UI is integrated for the management of the artifacts was integrated in the admin client. A user needs the following role to manage the tss-recources (z.B- confiuratins, CSV-documents, CSS-documents etc. Maintenance of TSS-Resourcen in his client or super- client:

2.3.1 Global ressources in the super- client

After the installation/update of the TSS the basic configurations (documenttype CONFIG-document) for the applications CMD and CFG have to be uploaded in the super- client.

2.3.2 Client-specific resources

It is possible to have artifacts in your client, wich are only available and effective in your client.

3. TIM Smartform Designer

3.1 Target group & project-scope

3.2 Explanation of the UI and function - target group professional users!

3.2.1 UI and operationg philosophy

The smartform designer focuses on the smartform.

3.2.2 Attributes

In the smartform Designer you can create attributes to gather and display process information.

Field Description
Attribute Identifier of the attribute. Can be referenced with ${…} in emails. (“status” and “name” mustn't be used as attribute-identifier)
Decription Appears as a tooltip as soon as the user places his mouse on the attribute
Data-Type You can select a data-type or create an individual validation (see also Data-Types)
Caption Will be displayed as text in the left side of the attribute
UI-Flag Definition of the editability of the attribute
Layout Selection of a layout for the display of the attribute. (see also Data-Types)
Width label Width of the space where the desctription will appear
Width space Distance between description and attribute
Width value Width of the attribute
Height Height of the attribute. Every height that is bigger than 24px will be displayed with the layout-option “big” (see also Data-Types)
Button Description
Reset all status to default This button will appear, if the status-dropdown is set to ”—“. It will reset every status-specified versions of the attribute.
Reset actual status to default This button will appear if the status-dropdown is set to something different then ”—“. By pressing it you will reset the configurations of this attribute for the selected status.
“Reset a selected attribute-property”-Icon Every attribute-property that differs from the default-configuration will be desplayed in a bold text. Moreover a button will appear, that will reset the property upon pushing
Copy-Icon Uses the attribute for the creation of a new one. The properties Attribute and Label will be reseted.
Delete-Icon Deletes the attribute. This icon only appears while the status-dropdown is set to ”—“. If you want to hide an attribute, drag&drop it onto the Hide attribute area near the status-dropdown. The attribute will be hidden for the selected status but is still available in the attribute-list in the left side of the screen
Save-Icon Saves the changes/new attribute
Reset-Icon Sets all attributes to the last saved value

Reference: For further details see also Statusspecified configuration - Import activities

The Ui-Flags define the editability and can be found in the attribute Pop-up. You can either select them fromm a list wich pops up after ckicking on the magnifying glass or write them in the text field:

3.2.3 Testmode

After clicking on the Test-button the smartform will appear like it would look in the current status. Now you can check if the attributes are editable and visible like they should be.

3.2.4 Statusspecified configuration - Import activities

After you have constructed a smartform for the ”—“-status you can now define special process-cases. You need to click the IMPORT ACTIVITIES -button.The status-dropdown will be filled with your process activities.

* You can for example make a certain field a mandatory field for an activity. Attention: If you want to create an attribute just for one status, you have to create it for the status ”—“ first, then drag it onto Hide attribute. Afterwards you have to select the status you want this specific attribute to be visible in and then drag&drop the attribute from the attribute list on the left side of the screen. WILLBECHANGED

3.2.5 Data-Types

In the attributee pop-up yoiu can find a list of predefined data-types:

Data-type Description Example for usage
boolean Booleschean Value Can be used as a check box
decision-no-yes Boolscher Value Yes/No As a radio box with the options Yes/No
date Date Can be used as a textbox with a date-picker
email Text box that automatically validates Email-adresses As a textbox
float.2 A number that is rounded to two decimal places A text-field, wich will try to parse any input to a number with two decimal places and won't accept any other input
int A whole number A text-field that will try to parse any input to a whole number and won't accept any other input
message Displays a message To display a legend
percent.0 Percentage without decimal places As a text field with the unit %
price-€ Pricing with thousends seperator and EUR as currencyA textfield with the unit EUR and validation of numbers with up tp two decimal places
string4000 A character string up to 4000 charactersAs a textfield or box

Some comlex data-types can be created in the Designer:

You have to create a new data-type, like descriped above: You will have to select the basic-type “String” and “Value List” as Property. The “Length” defines the maximum numbver of characters that can be used in the Label of each button. After saving (click floppy disk) two tabs will appear: “Values” and “Layout”. In the tab “Values” you can create the radio-buttons. The property “Value” will define the value which the radio button will return upon being selected. Now you have to save the attribute and close the pop-up. In the remaining pop-up you have to select “Layout 3” and set the “Height” to >= 25 pixel.

3.2.6 Templates

The basis of a smartform is the template. Upon creating a new smartform, the 3columns-template will be selected. If you need a special template you have to create it by using the Smartform-Architect or -Expert. A user with the right smartform-architect or smartform-expert can create a unique template. Attention: The Smartform Architect is for professional users. Because of that it is impossible to create complex layouts with tabs or dummies for the display of tables with the designer.

3.2.7 Ergebnis im ToDo Client

The following screenshot shows a configured smartform at the beginning of the process and for the first task. You can see that some attributes are hidden and others are coloured red:

3.2.8 Configurations for testing

The configurations used for the process above can be found here: Example configurations

4. TIM Smartform Architect

4.1 Targetgroup & projectscope

4.2 Explanation of the UI and functions

5. TIM Smartform Expert

5.1 Targetgroup & projectscope

5.2 Explanation of the UI and functions

6. Modules of the TIM Smartform Architect und Expert

6.1 Module UI

You need architect- or expert-rights. Click on the tab “Templates” in the top left corner, then on the green “PLUS-Icon”. Name your template by entering something in the field “Template” and save everything (by clicking on the floppy disk). Afterwards click the tab “Elements” and then the green “PLUS-icon” on the top right corner. Name your element. (This is not the only correct way but a step by step tutorial on how to create a blank element with a certain size) Select position 1 if you havent placed any other elements into your smartform. Select “A-Element” as the “Element type” and “uie-details formular element” as “UIE”. In the section “positioning you can select the size and the gap between this and other elements. To finalize this creation click SAVE and DEPLOY.

6.2 Module templates

6.3 Module tables

6.4 Module Datatypes

List of all basic types and further details

Regular expressions


6.5 Module massage

6.6 Module translation

6.7 Module functional structure

6.8 Maintenance of TSS-Resourcen

7. Usefull tipps for the most common smartform applications

7.1 Display attributes in the taskbar

7.2 Special properties of attributes

7.3 Import a csv-document for an autocomplete-/dropdownfield

7.4 Creation of tabpages

7.5 Integration of a table as a grid

7.6 Creation of an accordion

7.7 Creation of a Groovy code, wich will be executed upon loading the smartform

      def locale = FRAME.getProperty("locale_id").toUpperCase();
      if (locale != null && locale.length() > 1 && locale.substring(0,2) != "DE") {
      ICbaRow attribut_xxxx = FRAME.searchRow("dd_intattr", "interf_recid=" + CONFIG_ROW.getRecid() + "&attr_id=TECHNISCHER_ATTRIBUTNAME");
      attribut_xxxx.setValue("ui_flag", "D");
      String wert_des_attributs_im_moment_des_seitenaufbaus = DATA_ROW.getValue("TECHNISCHER_ATTRIBUTNAME");
      DATA_ROW.setValue("TECHNISCHER_ATTRIBUTNAME", "neuer_Wert_für_das_Attribut");

7.8 Configuration of status-specified attribute-properties

8. Installation

9. Old CBA Wiki

16.0 Übersicht
16.1 Einführung
16.2 Tabellen
16.3 Datentypen
16.4 Templates
16.5 Bedienoberflächen
16.6 Meldungen
16.7 TIM-Anbindung