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Conditions for an evaluation

Evaluations are defined by SQL-Statements. Therefor only the following predefined dashboard views can be used.

Old Views

If you are still using the old views, they can be looked into here.

Please contact the support before the update, because column names change and widgets have to be adjustzed after the update!

Explanation of table contents

  • id contains the so called primary key and is a unique key in the table.
  • instanceId contains the primary key of the processinstance that corresponds to this object/entry.
  • <placeholder>Namecontains the object's name.
  • <placeholder>Descriptioncontains the object's description.
  • <placeholder>Start returns the time, when the process became active on this object. A task can e.g. be crated earlier and be started at a later point in time.
  • <placeholder>End returns the time, when the process left this object.
  • creationTime is the entry's creation time.
  • creationUserId contains the primary key (see id) of the user, which created the entry.
  • is<Placeholder>contains a true/false value.
  • isArchiv indicates, whether the object is already archived or not.



  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • activityName: Name of the activity
  • activityDescription: Contains a description of the activity
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • creationTime: The exact point in time when the activity was initiated
  • creationUserId: A number referencing the impacted user
  • instanceId: A number which references an impacted instance in which the activity is active
  • activityStart: The exact point in time when this activity was started
  • activityEnd: The exact point in time when the activity was finally terminated
  • loopCount: If the process runs through the activity repeatedly (loops), the runs are saved here.
  • duration: contains the activity's maximum and modelled process time.
  • escalationTime: contains the calculated time of the activity's next escalation.
  • estimatedEnd: contains the activity's expected end date.
  • mileStoneDate: contains the time, when the next milestone should be reached.
  • elapsedTime: contains the elapsed time for processing the activity.
  • timeBuffer: contains the calculated buffer for this activity.
  • valueEST: pure time display of earliest start time (contains Business Calender)
  • valueEFT: pure time display of earliest finish time (contains Business Calender)
  • valueLST: pure time display of latest start time (contains Business Calender)
  • valueLFT: pure time display of latest finish time (contains Business Calender)
  • activityType: returns type of activity (ScriptNode, Tasknode, Mailnode,…).
  • isMilestone: indicates, whether the activity is a milestone or not.
  • inTime: indicates, whether the activity is still on schedule or not.


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • definitionName: The name of the process definition
  • definitionDescription: Contains a description of the definition
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • creationTime: Point in time at which the process definition was deployed
  • creationUserId: The unique ID of the user who deployed the task instance
  • version: processdefinition's present version
  • escalationStatus: statement about the process' escalation status
  • owner: process owner (or group)
  • starter: User or group, who is allowed to start the definition.
  • deployer: User or group, who is allowed to deploy the definition.
  • isArchiv: indicates, whether the definition is already archived or not.


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • effortName: The name assigned to the effort
  • effortDescription
  • clientId: The number corresponding to the impacted client
  • creationTime: The point in time at which this effort was made
  • creationUserId: The unique ID of the user who is responsible for causing the effort
  • instanceId: The number corresponding to the impacted instance
  • effortType: type of effort (time or money)
  • effortValue: value of effort without unit
  • timeValue: contains the time effort.
  • financeValue contains the financial effort and the cost center's consideration in the moment of capture.
  • costcenterName: contains the cost center, on which the effort was booked.
  • currency: contains the currency, with which the effort was booked, in the moment of capture.
  • hourlyRate contains the cost center's hourly pay in the moment of capture.
  • parentFolderId: contains the corresponding folder's primary key.


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • identityName: Contains the name if the identity
  • clientId: A number corresponding to the client at hand
  • creationTime: The point in time when this identity/user was created
  • creationUserId: The number corresponding to of the user who created this user/group/client
  • displayName: contains the full name and username (e.g. Max Mustermann (M.Muster)).
  • lastLogin: contains the time, when the user last logged in.
  • loginCount: contains the user's number of logins.
  • identityType: user's type of identity, can have following values: 'USER', 'GROUP', 'MEMBERSHIP' or 'CLIENT'
  • email: user's or group's email-address
  • firstname: user's first name
  • lastname: user's last name
  • parentUserId: contains primary key, that points to the group, which belongs to this membership.
  • userID : contains primary key, that points to the user, which belongs to this membership (only affects identityType 'MEMBERSHIP').
  • userProfileId: contains the primary key that contains the userprofile.
  • isBlocked: indicates whether this user/group/client is blocked or not
  • isArchiv: indicates whether this user/group/client is archived or not


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • instanceName: The name of the process instance
  • instanceDescription: Contains a description of the instance
  • clientId: A number affiliated with client of the process instance
  • creationTime: The point in time at which the process instance was started
  • creationUserId: A number corresponding to the user who started this process instance
  • creationGroupId :contains the primary key of the group that started the process
  • rootTokenId: contains the primary key of the current token, that points to the current activity.
  • parentProcessToken: contains the primary key tha points to the corresponding main process.
  • instanceKey: contains the created value of the YearIDGenerator, if it was used.
  • definitionId: contains a number that points to a processdefinition, which underlies this instance.
  • definitionName: the underlying processdefinition's name
  • instanceStart: This is the exact point in time when the process instance was started
  • instanceEnd: This is the exact point in time when the process instance was terminated
  • archivationUserId : contains the primary key that points to the user, which archived this instance.
  • archivationTime: point in time, where the processinstance was archived
  • nextEscalationTime: contains the calculated time of the process' next escalation.
  • index1-10 und value1-10: Aall indexnames and values which were labeled as indexvalues in the process.
  • isArchiv: statement whether the processinstance is already archived or not


  • id:The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • swimlaneName: name of the swimlane
  • clientId: A number corresponding to the client at hand
  • instanceId: contains the primary key which points to the corresponding instance.
  • actorId: contains the primary key that points to the current corresponding user.
  • pooledActorId: contains the primary key that points to the corresponding group


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • taskName:Name of the task
  • taskDescription: Contains a description of the task
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • creationTime: The exact point in time when the task was initiated
  • creationUserId: A number referencing the impacted user
  • instanceId: A number which references an impacted instance in which the task is active
  • taskStart: The exact point in time when this task was started
  • taskEnd: The exact point in time when the task was finally terminated
  • actorId:contains the primary key that points to the current corresponding user.
  • pooledActorId: contains the primary key that points to the current corresponding group.
  • activityId: contains the primary key that points to the superordinate activity.
  • parentFolderId: contains the corresponding folder's primary key.
  • swimlaneId: contains the primary key that points to the swimlane, in which the task lies.
  • remainingTime:contains the remaining time for processing the activity.
  • elapsedTime: contains the elapsed time for processing the activity.
  • isOpen: indicates whether the task is finished or not (Attention! Signal-Methods often do not finish tasks!)
  • isAdhoc: indicates whether this task was created as an [en[:software:tim:ad_hoc_tasks|AdHoc task]] or not
  • isArchiv:


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • tokenName: The name of the token
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • instanceId: contains the primary key which points to the corresponding instance.
  • activityId: contains the primary key which points to the corresponding activity.
  • parentTokenId: contains the primary key which points to a sub-token. If the Roottoken is on a closing AND gateway, a sub-token is found for each entry/exit


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • variableName: Name of the instance variable
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • instanceId: contains a number which points to the corresponding instance
  • stringValue: contains the processvariable's content
  • label: contains the processvariable's corresponding label


  • identityId: contains the primary key that points to the current corresponding user.
  • roleId: contains the primary key that points to the current corresponding role.


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • costcenterName: Name of the cost center
  • costcenterDescription: Contains a description of the costcenter
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • creationTime: The exact point in time when the cost center was initiated
  • creationUserId: A number referencing the user who created the cost center
  • hourly: contains the cost center's hourly pay
  • currency: contains the cost center's currency


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • configurationName:The name of the configuration
  • clientId: A number corresponding to the impacted client
  • creationTime: Contains the creation time of the configuration
  • costCenter : user's cost center from the userprofil
  • department: user's department from theuserprofil
  • personnelNumber : user's personnel number from the userprofil
  • phoneNumber : user's telephone number from the userprofil
  • tableRowCount : field “Display table rows” from the userprofil
  • timezoneOffset : user's timezone
  • lastModificationTime: contains the time, when the profile was last edited.
  • lastModificationUserId: contains the primary key of the user that last edited the profile.
  • defaultRepresentativeId : contains the primary key of the user that is lodged as the representative in the userprofil
  • departmentChiefId: contains the primary key of the user that is lodged as the department chief in the userprofil
  • supervisorId : contains the primary key of the user that is lodged as the supervisor in the userprofil
  • companyId : field “Company ID” from the userprofil
  • companyName: field “Company Name” from the userprofil
  • country: field “Country” from the userprofil
  • isNotifingByMail: field “Email-Notification preferred” from the userprofil or from the clientprofil
  • isNotifingAsignee: field “Notify asignee if his task is done by somebody else” from the userprofil
  • isIgnoringLDAPAuth: field “ignore LDAP authentication” from the userprofil


  • id: The unique identification number used throughout the entire database
  • folderName: Name of the folder
  • clientId: A number referencing a specific client
  • creationTime: Contains the creation time of the folder
  • creationUserId: A number referencing the creater
  • parentFolderId: contains a primary key that points to itself and presents a subfolder in the documents
  • isArchiv: Shows wether the folder is archived
en/software/dashboard/dashboard_tablestructure.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/10 10:59 by Semen Bortnik