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Setting the Timer

If an entry from the timer list is chosen, either to adapt an existing timer or to create a new one, the following window will appear:

A list of all timers can be found here here.
Field Description
Timer Name Here, a arbitrary name for the timer can be entered. A name describing the precise purpose of the timer would be beneficial for the overview.
Webservice Name Timers execute a certain WebService. The name of the wanted timer has to be entered here. A list of possible timers can be found in the chapter Timer .
Webservice Method In order for the timer to know which method of the webservice to employ, the appropriate method has to be entered here. The corresponding method names are also to be found here: Timer .
Parameter In order for the webservice to able to execute correctly, it needs to be supplied with various information. For example, for which process definition the timer is to be executed. The necessary parameters can be found in the articles for the specific Timer .
User to Execute Timer Here, the user responsible for activating the timer can be selected from a drop-down menu of all available users. TIM is shipped with the user sys.timer as a default. However, timers can be started by any user. No special rights are required.
Starting Time Here, the date and time at which the timer should run for the first time is entered.
Time to Start Here, a time interval to delay the timer before its first execution can be entered. If no unit is marked, the entered number will be interpreted as seconds. The interval can be entered in this format:“2d 9h 46m 39s”
Time Interval Here, an time interval to delay the timer between executions can be specified. If no unit is marked, the entered number will be interpreted as seconds. The interval can be entered in this format:“2d 9h 46m 39s”
Max. recursion Here, the total number of timer cycles can be entered. If the timer is to run indefinitely until stopped manually, a value of “-1” has to be entered.
Act. recursion This field gives information how often the timer has already been executed.
Status If errors occur during an execution they will be shown in this field.
Last execution Here, the point in time at which the timer was last executed is displayed.
en/software/tim/create_timer.1452696911.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/13 14:55 by amanda.zens