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Explanation for the business calender

The business calender is responsible for calculating all times, so that they match the working time of the company. A simple exmaple would be a task that has to be finished in 8h. If this is started at 2 p.m. the due time will not be 10 p.m.. This also applies to escalations, timer, CPM, and many more..

Basic setting for time calculation

To correctly set the working times and holidays in the business calender, the corresponding working times have to be maintained in the calender of the corresponding client. More information can be seen here.

Calculating basics

If the working times are set correctly, nothing more has to be considered. All tasks, which have a time limit, will be calculated with the business calender and the time is paused, when the servertime is outside of the set working time liegt.

en/software/tim/business_calendar.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/04 13:06 by Julian Le