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Calling webservices via Javascript


Webservices can be called per script and are used to read out information, set data, assign tasks, etc.

Webservice Name

A list of webservice name kan be seen in Firebug. per selected webservice name you can find the available methods.

Webservice Method

After selecting a name you can find the methods. Inthis example the IdentityManager is used


Via a click on the method it is possible to see which parameters need to be given.


In this example the fucntion getuserByName is called in the IdentityManager. This method calls a callback method (userCallback) in the script. THe callback gets the found user. In this callback the information of the received user can be worked with.

var userCallback=function(userGot){
    //do sth
webService.IdentityManager.getUserByName("", userCallback);

en/software/tim/webservices.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/28 13:10 by Julian Le