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Task mails are mails that are sent to TIM users in order to notify them about a new task. This occurs when a process has reached a new step. The task status, progress and other factors is used to determine if a mail is sent to a specific executor or to a group of users. For example, if a task is assigned directly to a user, this user will receive an e-mail directly informing him/her to complete the task. However, if no specific executor is designated, then the responsible group will receive the e-mail.


(De-)Activate Mail

The task mail settings can be either activated globally (for all users) in the client profile or adapted for individual users using the user profile. If the “Alert via e-mail preferred” option is deactivated, no task mails will be sent to the user. If the notification per group-mail is activated, all task mails will be sent to the denoted E-mail address from the group profile

Adjusting the Sender of the E-mail

In order to change the sender of an system, the SMTP sender e-mail address may be adjusted in the client profile By doing this, all of the e-mails will be sent from the denoted E-mail address, assuming that the given mail server allows mails to be sent under the given name.

Adjusting the Host

If a false host and/or port is given in mails, this may also be taken care of using the following point within the client profile. The correct application host and port must be entered.

Mails nur an neue Bearbeiter senden

If the option “Notify only if previous task was not done by me” is activated in the userprofile, a taskmail is only sent, if the new task's assignee did not finish the last task. “Email-Notification preferred” has to be activated as well or no e-Mail will be sent out. If the option “Notify only if previous task was not done by me” is deactivated, the rules of “Email-Notification preferred” are applied.

Adjusting Texts

The text within task mails can be adjusted in the A more detailed description can be found on this page. Additionally, from Version v4.0 on, the text for task mails can be set for specific process definitions or activities.

en/software/tim/taskmail.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/30 16:07 by Julian Le