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Variables can be used in many different places, e.g. in Mailtexten (im Detail here), actionhandlers or in the

Variable are always marked with ${name_of_the_variable}.
System variables always have the prefix SYS.

System Variables

System variables can be used, when the context allows it. The following variable are therefor always available:

${SYS.PROCESSDEFINITION_NAME}Returns the name blonging to the current processdefinition.
${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_NAME}Returns the name belonging to the current procesinstance.
${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_ID}Returns the unique ID (number) belonging to the Processinstance. Attention: No connection to YearIdGenerator
${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_DESCRIPTION}Returns the description belonging to the current Processinstance
${SYS.PROCESSVARIABLELOG}Returns a list of the used processvariables.
${SYS.DOC_HISTORY}Returns the document history of one processinstance. Contains user, time and date as well as the type of operation (create, edit, delete).
${SYS.BUSINESS_ID}This number is increased by 1 for instance, continuesly for every process and client
${SYS.TASK_NAME}Returns the current taskname.
${SYS.NODE_NAME}Returns the current activityname
${SYS.TASK_ID}Returns the unique ID belonging to the current task.
${SYS.NODE_ID}Returns the unique ID belonging to the current activity.
${SYS.TASKLINK}Returns the link to the current task.
${SYS.TASK_DESCRIPTION}Returns the description belonging to the current task.
${SYS.CLIENT_NAME}Returns the current clientname.
${SYS.CLIENT_ID}Returns the unique ID belonging to the current client.
${SYS.BASELINK}Returns the link, which is composed of Client-Profil (Application-Host + Port) and /loom-portal/.
${SYS.ROOTLINK}Returns the link, which is composed of Client-Profil (Application-Host + Port).
${SYS.NOW}Returns the current server time.
${SYS.SEZ}Returns the LFT (Latest Finish Time) of the current task.
${SYS.RECIPIENT_GROUP_NAME}Returns the group's name, which should receive this mail.(Notifications at notes)
${SYS.RECIPIENT_NAME}Returns the user's username, which should receive this mail.(Notifications at notes)
${SYS.RECIPIENT_FIRSTNAME}Returns the user's first name, which should receive this mail.(Notifications at notes)
${SYS.RECIPIENT_LASTNAME}Returns the user's last name, which should receive this mail.(Notifications at notes) )

en/faq/variableshelper.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/09 08:52 by Konstantinos Litsios