Table of Contents


Add-ons of iPA that get assigned a particular task in a process, are called Actionhandlers. They are used, for example, to send e-mails, to generate PDFs or even retrieve e-mails and process them. With iPA, an appropriate handler can be created for any conceivable use. At the end of this page is a list of currently available handlers.

Configuring an Action Handler

Actionhandlers are configured on activities in the diagram using the Automation Properties page. For this, an Activity is selected and Automation Properties is chosen from the toolbox. There, the desired Handler can be added and configured.

List of Actionhandlers

CategoryDescriptionTechnical descriptionFrom version
Assignment Sets the starter through a process variable SetStarterByProcessVariableHandler
Assignment Sets the starter group through a process variable SetStarterGroupByProcessVariableHandler
Assignment Assigns all tasks of a Node to an editor AssignTasksByVariableHandler Customer_Others
Assignment Writes the starter in a variable StarterToProcessVariableActionHandler All
Assignment, Swimlane Assigns the starter to a swimlane AssignStarterToSwimlaneHandler All
Assignment, Swimlane Assigns a Swimlane to a user VariableAssignmentActionHandler All
Assignment, Swimlane Assigns a Swimlane to multiple users AssignMultiUserHandler v4.2
Assignment, Swimlane Assigns a swimlane to an editor based on the open tasks. AssignmentByLoadHandler
Assignment, Swimlane Sets the manager of a user as editor in a swimlane AssignSupervisorToTasknodeActionHandler
Attachment Creates a DOCX or PDF WordTemplateHandler All
Attachment Creates a multi-page PDF from the same template RepeatingWordTemplateHandler All
Attachment Creates an XML CreateXMLByProcessVariableActionHandler
Attachment Saves all attached documents in the file system SaveDocsToFileSystem
Attachment Creates a CSV File CSVHandler
Attachment Compiles multiple PDFs MergePDFDocumentHandler
Attachment Moves files FileArchivationHandler
Attachment Generates the process instance report and attaches it to the instance GenerateReportActionHandler
Attachment Checks if documents are attached MandatoryDocumentHandler v3.7
Attachment, Process variables Imports variables, documents and current status of any instances ImportProcessEntitiesHandler Customer_Others
Archivation Archives an instance InstanceArchivationHandler All
Archivation, Process variables Archives process variables. VariableArchivationHandler Customer_Others
Date Creates an iCal-date ICalHandler v3.5
Date, Name Generates a unique number for the process designation YearIDGenerator All
Date, Name Generates a running number (including date) for the process name DayIDGenerator v4.2
Decision Makes decisions based on the rules matrix MatrixHandler v4.3
Decision, Workflow Decision by user HumanDecissionHandler All
Decision, Workflow Decision through a process variable VariableDecisionHandler All
Decision, Workflow Decision for all XOR-gateways through a process variable predefinedDecisionHandler All
Decision, Workflow Decides based on the existence of a variable VariableExistsDecisionHandler
Escalation Generates a process variable during escalation GenerateEscalationTimeHandler All
Escalation, Mail Prepares an escalation mail MailByProcessVariableHandler v3.4
Escalation, Mail Prepares a reminder mail MailReminderHandler v3.6
Mandatory Required field check MandatoryHandler All
Mandatory Sets a required field according to a variable ConditionalMandatoryHandler
Mandatory Requires expenses as a mandatory field CheckMandatoryEfforts v3.5
Milestone Sets Milestones according to task descriptions SetMilestonesFromDateFromTaskDescription v3.6
Milestone Recalculates durations for achieving milestones SimpleMilestonesHandler v4.3
Name Renames the current instance RenameInstanceHandler All
Name Prevents duplicate instance names. PreventDuplicateInstanceNamesHandler
Process Starts process instance StartProcessInstanceActionHandler All
Process Can generate Actionhandler in the process AddActionHandlerToNodes v3.5
Process Starts instances from XML data sets CreateProcessInstanceFromFolderByXML
Process Forwards the main process from the sub process SignalLinkedSuperProcessHandler
Process, Mail Starts instances from unread emails from a folder from a mailbox CreateProcessInstanceFromIncomingMailWithVariables Customer_Others
Process variables Sets a process variable ProcessVariableSetter All
Process variables Threshold calculation BorderValueHandler v3.4.7
Process variables Calculates values ExtendedCalculationHandler All
Process variables Can retrieve a part from a string ReturnRegexHandler All
Process variables Writes new or expands existing variable + knows current user TrackProcessHandler Customer_Others
Process variables Sets the executor of a task as process variable TrackTaskProcessor v3.6
Process variables Save user information of the user that completed a task to process variables WriteLastTaskFinisherInVariable All
Process variables Creates variables with user data GenerateIdentityProcessVariablesHandler
Process variables Creates absences and substitutes based on process variables ManageAbsenceHandler All
Process variables Saves process variables in a separate table ProcessVariablesToTableHandler All
Process variables Generates variables from XLSX file to start softlink CreateSoftlinkVariablesFromXLSX
Interface Sends an HTTP-Request HTTPRequestHandler All
Softlink Signals main process signalmainprocessbysoftlinkstate customer_others
Softlink Forwards all softlinks that are on a particular node SignalSoftlinksByWaitstateIdentifier Customer_Others
Softlink Checks whether the Softlink process is still running WaitForSoftLinkedSubprocessesHandler
Softlink Starts Softlinks from process variables StartSoftlinksFromProcessVariablesHandler v3.4.7
Softlink Writes a variable from a Softlink into the main process SetVariableInMainProcess Customer_Others
SQL Runs Sql scripts from within a process RunSqlScriptHandler
SQL Retrieves a MySQL Function CallSqlFunction Customer_Others
Subprocesses Copies process variables into the main process WriteBackProcessVariableHandler All
Subprocesses Copies documents into the main process WriteBackDocumentHandler All
Subprocesses Copies notes into the main process InheritAttachedBlogsHandler All
Subprocesses Copies documents into the sub process InheritAttachedDocumentHandler All
Subprocesses Copies process variables into the sub process InheritProcessVariableHandler All
TSS Generic CBS-Actionhandler to request Groovy spripts CbaGenericHandler v4.2
Archiving(Customized) SGO_DateienArchivieren
Archiving(Customized) SGO_ReportArchivieren
Archiving(Customized) CallAnafeeWebServiceHandler
Archiving(Customized) ArchivationWebserviceActionHandler
Archiving(Customized) ArchivationWebserviceActionHandlerV2
Archiving(Customized) SGO_writeReport2SmartForm